“…elegant storytelling and sensitive performances…Carol Dunne’s spry but unobtrusive direction gives the show a relaxed pace that allows the actors to shine. Mr. Crawford is all wide eyes and shaggy hair as a Paul who’s chosen to ignore deep emotional pain…Because of the actors’ chemistry, it’s easy to believe their characters have known each other forever. Because of their humanity, it’s impossible not to wish we could take away their pain.” (Only Yesterday at 59e59 Theaters Off-Broadway)
- The New York Times (Critics’ Pick)
”…both actors strum and sing appealingly…Sears and Crawford…capture [Lennon and McCartney’s] alternately clashing and complementary personas…there’s plentiful insight into what drew these two brilliant lads together, and what pulled them apart.” (Only Yesterday at 59e59 Theaters Off-Broadway)
- The New Yorker
“Tommy Crawford is also very good as the jester Feste, portraying him as a wandering minstrel with an eternally knowing, mischievous glint in his eyes.” (Twelfth Night at Two River Theater)
— NJ Arts
“…a sublime comedy brought to life at Two River Theater by a captivating cast that delivers excellence in this enthralling production…the unique combination of prose and music creates a wondrous experience for the audience…Utilizing a myriad of instruments ranging from electric guitars to tambourine, Music Director Tommy Crawford guides the cast as they perform a musical score that sets the tone for the current or upcoming scene. Crawford also portrays the role of Feste with wit and charm…The energy in the theater was palpable during the entire production…and was met with a thunderous applause followed by a standing ovation at its conclusion.” (Twelfth Night at Two River Theater)
— Macaroni Reviews
“…a pleasing folksiness that recalls the late British singer-songwriter Nick Drake.” (Twelfth Night at Two River Theater)
— Broad Street Review
"Weston's exhilarating production of ‘Million Dollar Quartet’ captured musical lightning in a bottle...As Perkins, perhaps the most technically proficient of the lot, Tommy Crawford allowed the audience to see the resentment the taciturn performer harbored toward the more famous Elvis, while enjoying some pretty hot licks on electric guitar." (Million Dollar Quartet at Weston Playhouse)
- Brattleboro Reformer
"Crawford...delivered some amazing blues guitar." (Million Dollar Quartet at Weston Playhouse)
- Rutland Herald
”Tommy Crawford radiates the same sweet charm that animates Paul's face…They play vigorous, passionate versions of the kind of music that animated Lennon and McCartney.” (Only Yesterday at Northern Stage)
- Seven Days VT
”Although not looking quite like their Beatles counterpoints, Tommy Crawford as the more serious Paul and Christopher Sears as the wiseacre John soon had you believing that’s just who they were, and their musical abilities were convincing, too…compelling and entertaining storytelling…one of Northern Stage’s best productions ever.” (Only Yesterday at Northern Stage)
- Rutland Herald
"The early scenes when the two characters meet and fall in love are enchanting, with Crawford communicating a winsome innocence...'Farewell to Southampton,' performed at this point in the show, is one of the first instances of the rhapsodic heights to which The Lobbyists’ music can soar. Layer upon layer of harmony, here and in other crucial moments of the story, create some exceptionally moving and exquisite tapestries of sound...This show offers a rare experience, an inspired union of story, music and acting, all performed at the highest level. If you have the opportunity to attend only one show this summer, don’t miss this one."
— Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror (SeaWife at the White Heron Theater)
Tommy’s performance as Percy is “convincing” and “alluring” ...“SeaWife creates a lovely balance of music and stagecraft that provides a most unique spectacle.” (SeaWife at South Street Seaport)
- Entertainment Weekly
“Among the particularly strong performances: Tommy Crawford’s jovial, if bad-news bringing, messenger” (These Seven Sicknesses)
– The New York Times
“Among the more expert players is Tommy Crawford” (These Seven Sicknesses)
– Backstage
“Sweet, soulful…the excellent Tommy Crawford” (These Seven Sicknesses)
“Tommy Crawford is brightly enthusiastic as Mark...the satiric crux of the play” (A.R. Gurney's Heresy)
– Associated Press
“Crawford is at his best in the honest simplicity of his more unvarnished speeches to the audience…[a] memorable performance…” (Bekah Brunstetter's Take Her to See the Maco Lights)
– New York Theatre Review
“Focused intensity… [Crawford and Sarah Stephens] bring these memorable folks to vivid life via committed characterizations and a smoky chemistry.” (Bekah Brunstetter's Take Her to See the Maco Lights)
“Go-to Bat Tommy Crawford ambles through nearly every piece with a Mephistopholean glint in his eye.” (Nick Jones's The Wundelsteipen)
– TimeOut NY