From Cold Lake is an episodic radio comedy series that recorded monthly from August 2016-January 2017 in front of a live audience at the PIT Loft. The series follows the residents of Cold Lake, Minnesota, a fictional intersection of all manner of small-town Americana drama.
The series was created by Colin Waitt with music and lyrics by Tommy Crawford
Produced by Steve Stout and Kristin McCarthy Parker (Puffs, Kapow-i Gogo!)
All episodes recorded live at The PIT Loft (154 W. 29th St. NYC) Aug. 2016 - Jan. 2017
For each monthly episode, Tommy would write new songs he performed with guest musicians, including Laura Jo Schuster, Wesley Zurick, Jesse Cannizzaro, Anna Dart, and Douglas Waterbury-Tieman, who style themselves the Baumgartner Family Singers. In total, Tommy wrote about about 14 original songs and a few other snippets for the series.
Here's a little sample:
And a sample of a complete episode, our holiday special episode! You can catch a couple of my favorite tunes from the show in this episode, including “I’m Old, I’m Cold” (29:55) sung by the incomparable Anna Dart as a woman well advanced in her years, “A Marker of a Life” (17:47), and “Let’s Put the Chris Back in Christmas” (8:30).